Which »Burning Questions« for design pedagogy keep you
from sleeping at night? Where do you spot mistakes,
omissions or blind spots? Which questions do you have
for today's decision makers or the next generation?
Which current structures would you like to address?
Which question makes you angry or emotional?
Download full open call text in english
or german
now or scroll down for further information.
Send us your questions to our discipline, to professors,
principals or future designers:
»Remember how easy it is to write a version of history
– a kind of fiction – that reproduces someone's blind spots and
then, through repetition, becomes fact. […]
Remember how easy it is to not hear the words of choirs and
masses, because they speak over and through each other.
Annoying, too loud, too messy.«
Sara Kaaman (2021): Once Upon a Time.
In: Hrsg.: Anja Kaiser, Rebecca Stephany. Glossary of Undisciplined Design.
Leipzig: Spector Books, p. 27